Sailor Moon Episode 1

Sailor Moon (セーラームーン)

Episode 1

Sailor Moon (セーラームーン)

  • Kanji Name: ACT.1 うさぎ -セーラームーン-
  • Romaji Name: ACT.1 Usagi - Sērā Mūn
  • English Name: Act 1 Usagi - Sailor Moon
  • Directed By: Munehisa Sakai
  • Written By: Yuuji Kobayashi
  • Air Date (Japan): July 05, 2014
  • Air Date (US): November 20, 2015

Sailor Moon Episode 1 Synopsis

The episode begins with Usagi asleep and dreaming of the prince and princess. His reverie is interrupted by an alarm clock and he realizes that he will soon be late for school. Accidentally steps on a cat on the way to school. He apologizes, but the cat scratches his face. Usagi realizes the cat has a bandage on her forehead and removes it, revealing a crescent moon on her forehead. Usagi stares at the cat for a few seconds before realizing she's late for school, then runs off when she hears the bell. Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a mysterious blond man is creating humanoid creatures on Earth.

At school, Usagi is kicked out of class and sent down the hall for being late. He briefly complains about losing his breakfast before taking out the box and starting to eat. Haruna Sakurada, Usagi's teacher, enters the hallway and shouts about Usagi's poor test scores. Upon re-entering the classroom, Usagi is greeted by her best friend Naru and her classmate Umino, whom Usagi sneaks up on. Umino smiled brightly at her test results. Naru says she can't believe Umino got a higher grade than her.

While the students are eating lunch, they notice that a classmate has entered the jewelry store again. Sailor V. Umino caught the thief. Usagi asks who Sailor V is, and Umino explains that Sailor V is a famous champion of justice, a sailor suit, and a special detective. Usagi's friends say they understand why someone would want to steal the jewel. Naru mentions that her mother's jewelry store is having a big sale and invites the girls to join her after school.

After school, Usagi, Naru and two other classmates go to a jewelry store. Naru wonders why her mother is acting so strange since she has never promoted a sale before. While her friends look at the trinkets, Usagi is frustrated that she has no money to buy anything and her parents don't seem to buy anything due to her low test scores.

As she leaves the store, she crumples the test into a ball and throws it over her shoulder, hitting a strange man in a tuxedo who makes fun of her hair and test results. When Usagi passes the exam, she tells her to study harder. She yells at him to mind his own business. After Usagi leaves, the man laughs that he can find a silver crystal in this jewelry store.

Usagi sees a Sailor V poster at the local arcade and wonders what it would be like to be Sailor V. She decides to go to the arcade and play Sailor V. She is greeted by Motoki Furuhata, who works at the arcade, and offers to help with the game. Usagi hears a meow from behind and sees the cat she found that morning. Motoki revealed that the cat had been roaming the arcades for days. Usagi laughs and points out that the cat has a crescent shaped bald spot on its forehead.

Usagi returns home and is greeted by her mother, who asks about the exam. Usagi gives it to her and she gets mad at Usagi's class. Usagi is kicked out of the house and meets her younger brother, Shingo. He asks if she kicked him out again and calls him an idiot. Usagi angrily fights back, but Shingo slams the door in her face and slams the door, injuring her leg. She cries loudly and Shingo and his mother try to ignore her.

Women who buy jewelry sold elsewhere lose their energy. Naru's mother senses the energy she has gathered and believes that stealing the energy gem will be good. But the jewel he was looking for was not in the store. Naru walks into the room after hearing her mother talking to herself. Mom turned her head towards Naru as if embarrassed.

Back home, Usagi goes back to her room and complains about not wanting to do her homework, telling her mom not to be upset about her test results. Usagi decides to take a nap. She dreams of being Sailor V in a video game and starts thinking about cats. Usagi is scratched and wakes up. He's already looking at the cat. Cat said it was rude for Usagi to call him Crescent Bald.

The cat introduces herself as Luna and says she's looking for Usagi. Luna thanks her for removing the bandages from her forehead, but Usagi decides to go back to sleep thinking it was just a dream. Luna gives Usagi a transformation brooch and tells her that she has been chosen to be her protector. Usagi reveals that the brooch is glowing and Luna tells Usagi to sing "Moon Prism Power, Makeover", transforming Usagi into Sailor Moon. Transforming into Sailor Moon, Usagi hears Naru's screams through the glowing circles in her hair. Usagi and Luna run to save him.

At the jewelry store, Naru is repeatedly attacked by her mother. She asks him what he is doing and yells at him to stop. Naru's mother explains that she is not her mother and that her real mother sleeps in the basement. The fake mother returns to her true self. Usagi appears and tells the monster to stay away from Naru. When Usagi asks who it is, Luna meows as she looks at the bright moon. Usagi smiles and introduces herself as Sailor Moon, the guardian of love and justice.

The monster says he's never heard of her and orders the people who extracted energy from the fake gem to kill Sailor Moon. Avoiding the tired client, Usagi slashes his knee. Luna tells Usagi to fight. However, Usagi starts crying and says she's going home, and a big shockwave goes off. A vibration breaks the window and the mysterious man yells at Sailor Moon not to cry. After Usagi leaves, Luna tells her to use the turban. He uses it to destroy the monster. Sailor Moon hears that the mysterious man didn't find the silver crystal, but he did find something interesting. As he jumps, he says his name is Tuxedo Mask.

Elsewhere, a mysterious blonde from the beginning of the episode looks back at everything that happened in the crystal ball and says that Sailor Moon is "not bad." It also tells you to get your hands on the Silver Crystal.

The next day, Naru tells the other girls in the same class how the girl in the sailor suit saved her. From a few feet away, Usagi moans and says it's not a dream at all. The episode ends with the blue-haired girl feeling the raindrops and running away.

Source & Copyright ©: Fandom

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