Skeleton Knight in Another World Episode 1

Skeleton Knight in Another World (骸骨騎士様、只今異世界にお出掛け中)

Episode 1

Skeleton Knight in Another World (骸骨騎士様、只今異世界にお出掛け中)

  • Kanji Name: 流浪の騎士、世直し旅にて候ふ
  • Romaji Name: Rurō no Kishi, Yonaoshi Tabi nite Sōrō
  • English Name: The Wandering Knight Sets Out to Make the World a Better Place
  • Directed By: Shigatsu Yoshikawa
  • Written By: Takeshi Kikuchi
  • Air Date (Japan): April 07, 2022
  • Air Date (US): April 07, 2022 (Subbed), April 28, 2022 (Dubbed)

Skeleton Knight in Another World Episode 1 Synopsis

Lauren Laraiya du Luvierte and her maid Rita Farren were both caught by robbers, and one of them tried to attack Lauren. That is, until a great knight in armor named Arc arrives and swings his sword, killing him instantly. Before all of this, Ark wakes up in front of a tree and worries about his condition. When he comes to, he assesses himself and his equipment and realizes that he is in the body of his game character Ark. Ark, having fallen asleep after playing, tries Wyvern Slash and is surprised by its power. Arc then tries magic and casts a simple fire spell that burns the wood. Although his class can't, he thinks about using magic. Arc then believes that he can use all of his previous powers in his main ability, the paladin regeneration path, making him "superpower".

Ark is hungry, unfortunately has no food or money, and casts a Gate spell to teleport him somewhere, but instead teleports him off a nearby rock. Thinking about how the Gate spell works, Arc instead casts another spell called Dimension Move. After landing safely in the stream, Ark takes off his helmet and drinks water, only to realize that his head is a skeleton. Ark remembers that he chose a skeleton avatar in his old world and realizes that if he enters the city without a helmet, he will be treated like a monster. So he plans to teleport to a nearby town to avoid drawing attention to himself. The town is called Luvierte, and after exploring it for a while, Ark meets a woman who argues with the investigator that he can't get the information that hired her. To Ark's surprise, the woman is revealed to be an elf, but he soon loses sight of her. However, he finds a mercenary guild in the city and tries to join it. At first the man says there's no point in buying him because he wears the armor and seems to have a good job. So Ark makes an excuse and the clerk believes him but informs him that he has to pass the test to pass. The process requires one of the beasts, monsters, or bandits to demonstrate submission to the Ark. Wasting no time, Ark leaves the guild and the host and guild members deduce from Ark's history why he decided to join the guild.

Ark kills a few boars and then an orc. Ark sees a group of bandits with surrender papers killing the guards and besieging the noble lady and her servants. Considering how different the situation is from killing a beast or monster, the bandits take advantage of the lady and her maid. We see Arc kill the thugs and finish off the rest of the thugs, this time with a Wyvern Slash move. After fighting the thugs, Arc examines the two women, learns their names, and asks Rita if Arc belongs to the nobility. Ark concocts a short story about a cursed knight seeking a cure for his condition, but keeps two for now. As Rita and Lauren go into the woods to defend themselves, Ark burns the bodies of the outlaws and says he feels no guilt for killing them all. Before the ladies return, Arc robs the pirates of their belongings and loads them onto their horses.

On the way back to town, Ark runs alongside Lauren's carriage driven by Rita, who thanks Ark for what he did, and Lauren looks at Ark awkwardly. Rita then asks for Ark's name and introduces herself as a simple traveler named Ark. Returning to the guild, Arc returns the loot he captured and takes the runestone from the orc he killed, advising him to dispose of it while the host kills the monster. After briefly explaining what runes can be made, Ark gets permission and goes straight to the hotel to deliver food to his room. Ark is looking forward to the day when he can fully enjoy the food and drinks on offer and complete tomorrow's tasks.

Source & Copyright ©: Fandom

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