Sfera Ebbasta - Calcolatrici Lyrics


Gionata Boschetti (Sfera Ebbasta)

Sfera Ebbasta X2VR


Sfera Ebbasta Calcolatrici Lyrics. Calcolatrici Song Sung By Italian Rapper And Singer Artist Gionata Boschetti (Sfera Ebbasta) On Digital X2VR Album. Sfera Ebbasta Calcolatrici Is Italian Pop Song Labelled By Island Records. Sfera Ebbasta Calcolatrici Music Italian And English Lyrics Released In November 17, 2023.


Song : Calcolatrici
Artist : Gionata Boschetti (Sfera Ebbasta)
Album : X2VR (2023)
Genre : Pop
Language : Italian
Translation : English
Label : Island Records
Release Date : 2023.11.17


Giro per Secondigliano con addosso i gioielli (Brr)
Bimbi sotto casa, al parco, giocano a calcio tennis (Brr)
Ho tirato due stipendi sul culo di una stripper
Ma non l'ho postato, sennò so che poi te la prendi (Money Gang)
Orologi sul mio polso presi solo a listino
Mi ricordo da piccino mi prendevano in giro
Ora ho il rispetto di tutti, fra', dovunque mi trovo
Perché sono ancora vero anche se sono famoso
E mio fratello è nel traffico anche più di un guard rail
In Spagna l'ha presa a due, qua la girerà a sei
Matematica di strada, siamo calcolatrici
Soldi sporchi, poi puliti dentro bar lavatrici

Ho fratelli, no amici, ho nemici, no opps
So che se si farà brutta poi tu chiamerai i cops
Qua ti servono i cojones, ma tu sei un maricón
Te lo chiedo, per favore, se ti togli da ngopp

Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Nun 'e truove 'e palle quanno e pierde cca abbascio
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Nun te salva 'o Rolex ma te salva 'o Kalash
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Non trovi le palle se le pardi ca abbascio
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Non ti salva un Rolex, qua ti salva un Kalash

Ca fanno 'e lapidi, primma ca muore
Abito addò fanno e rapine 'int'ê machine pe' poco
'O panorama è grigio, 'o Panamera pure
Sta chi 'int'â valigia tene chello 'e sura
'O pate a 41 incoraggia 'o figlio: "Bravo, studia"
Hustle, nu frate scompone e ricompone comme 'o puzzle
Money in the grave, in the game, did the hustle
O scè, nu parlà accussì, o saje ca te regnimmo 'e buchi proprio comme 'o waffle
Richard Mille ngopp'ô destro, brillo p'ô sinistro
Dille n'om dint'ê molle nun ce vanno
'Int'ô locale nun ce ballo
Ma ce vaco pe' nu set e cu l'incasso m'accatto
Tutte 'e cullane 'e 'sti rapper, cu 'e cullane però

Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Nun 'e truove 'e palle quanno e pierde ca abbascio
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Nun te salva 'o Rolex ma te salva 'o Kalash
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Non trovi le palle se le pardi ca abbascio
Nn'tiene cojones, nah, nah
Non ti salva un Rolex, qua ti salva un Kalash
Nn'tiene cojo-

La rue, la vrai, ah
Baby Gang, Gang
Pow, pow, pow
Hood, ghetto, bando, compro un etto al dd lo vendo (Uoh)
Halo, pronto, sento, pure loro ci stanno sentendo
Hood, svelto, attento, Kalashnikov nell'appartamento
Quatre-quatre, dietro
Sese e falchi ci stanno inseguendo
Guagliù, guagliù, scendi abbascio
Porta il f-, porta i Kalash
Nokia, Blackberry
Sto con due negri
Tutto Burberry, tutto Versace
Non stringo la mano agli infami
Ti stringo la mano per affari
Baci e abbracci, saluta i cari
Cazzi e mazzi, cazzo ti gu-
Cazzo guardi, non dichiararmi guerra se non hai armi (Uoh)
White coco bandit, la dettaglio tutta in grammi (Grammi)
Non-non impanicarti se giro coi ferri carichi (Uoh)
Nel bosco vado e li scarico
Poto, so già dove a-


Tour around Secondigliano wearing jewels (Brr)
Children outside the house, in the park, play football tennis (Brr)
I threw two paychecks on a stripper's ass
But I didn't post it, otherwise I know you'll take it (Money Gang)
Watches on my wrist taken only from the price list
I remember when I was little they made fun of me
Now I have the respect of everyone, bro, wherever I am
Because I'm still real even though I'm famous
And my brother is in traffic even more than a guard rail
In Spain he took it at two, here he will turn it at six
Street math, we are calculators
Dirty money, then cleaned inside washing machine bars

I have brothers, no friends, I have enemies, no opps
I know if it gets bad then you'll call the cops
Here you need cojones, but you are a maricón
I ask you, please, if you get off ngopp

He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
I don't find any balls when I leave my foot
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
Rolex doesn't save you but Kalash saves you
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
You won't find your balls if you lose them
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
A Rolex doesn't save you, here a Kalash saves you

They make gravestones before he dies
Dress where they do and robberies 'int'ê machine for little
'Either panorama is grey, 'or Panamera too
It is who 'int'â suitcase keeps chello 'and sura
'O pate a 41 encourages 'o son: "Good, study"
Hustle, a brother breaks down and reassembles like a puzzle
Money in the grave, in the game, did the hustle
Come on, don't speak here, or know that we reigned 'and holes just like waffles
Richard Mille ngopp'ô right, ngopp'ô left
Tell her they don't go there
'Int'ô local I don't dance
But I'm going to set and I'll get the proceeds
All these rappers, but all these rappers

He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
I don't find any balls when I drop my foot
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
Rolex doesn't save you but Kalash saves you
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
You won't find your balls if you lose them
He doesn't have cojones, nah, nah
A Rolex doesn't save you, here a Kalash saves you
It doesn't hold cojo-

The street, you will see it, ah
Baby Gang, Gang
Pow, pow, pow
Hood, ghetto, ban, I buy a pound a day I sell it (Uoh)
Halo, ready, I hear, they're hearing us too
Hood, quick, careful, Kalashnikov in the apartment
Quatre-quatre, behind
Sese and falcons are chasing us
Guagliù, guagliù, come down, abbasso
Bring the f—, bring the Kalash
Nokia, Blackberry
I'm with two black men
All Burberry, all Versace
I don't shake hands with the infamous
I shake your hand on business
Kisses and hugs, say goodbye to loved ones
Cocks and cocks, fuck you gu-
Fuck look, don't declare war on me if you don't have weapons (Uoh)
White coco bandit, the detail all in grams (Grams)
Don't-don't panic if I walk around with loaded irons (Uoh)
I go into the woods and unload them
Poto, I already know where to-

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